Life Or A Twenty Dollar Bill?


I was at the Fort Totten metro station waiting 10 minutes for the next train to arrive. Down in the tracks under the dangerous live 3rd rail was a $20 bill that caught my eye. You might not be able to see it in this photo (look in the upper right) but it took a lot of will power to not hop down in there and pick it up.

4 Responses to “ Life Or A Twenty Dollar Bill? ”

  1. i don’t have an opinion on the $20 bill, but that’s a gorgeous photo. very frameable.

  2. I guess I just ooze natural talent. It would have been better if I had my DSLR on me but my camera phone just had to do.

  3. that’s crazy that that’s a camera phone. just shows how much mine sucks.

  4. It’s all about the lighting out. Camera phones need a lot of light. Experiment a little bit with it then I can set you up with mobile posting capabilities just like me.

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